4 Fundamental components
Ceramic houses are made entirely of natural materials. The four fundamental composite components are Liapor, Siopor, Cement and special additives to improve their properties. The lifespan is unlimited, as with brick.. Similarly, the quality parameters (vapor permeability, sound and thermal insulation) are also comparable, but thanks to the technology of whole parts production with integrated preparation for services (water, electricity, etc.), you still get the benefits of prefabricated houses.
Diatomite (main component of Siopor) is naturally occurring, smooth silicate stone, which easily disintegrates into a white to off-white powder.
Siopor is an effective, heat-insulating and sound-absorbing silicate material consisting of porous spherical granules. Due to its exceptional properties, it is suitable for ecological and energy-saving ceramic prefabricated houses.The excellent technical parameters of Siopor provide a variaty of uses in the construction of houses.

Liapor is made from special Tertiary clays and is better known as Keramzit in our region.
Liapor is a lightweight granulate. By its nature, Liapor ranks among the ceramic material, which belong to the oldest and best proven building materials. Liapore, brings a higher degree of treatment of the basic material, which adds to the basic properties of ceramic materials, such as strength, low water absorption, stability and health, more properties, such as very low bulk density and excellent thermal insulation properties.

Cement is a natural binder that ensures a perfect bonding of composite elements into one solid, monolithic part.
Cement is obtained mainly from local sources.
The basic role of cement is to ensure high, unlimited strength for all types of building structures. We use only high quality cements with higher ultimate strength from renowned Slovak manufacturers. Their quality is guaranteed by constant supervision of the production process, provided by an authorized body issuing the relevant certificates.
The parts of the prefabricated ceramic house are of high quality thanks to the quality binder – cement.

Special additives based on natural components.
Natural components to improve thermal insulation, sound insulation and static properties of ceramic walls for the construction of ceramic prefabricated houses. These are especially plasticizers which modify the processability and curing of the ceramic composite and also increase its strength. An important ingredient is the aeration additive, which improves the thermal insulation parameters of the composite and reduces its specific weight.